Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Keris BUDA East Java


 overall 39 cm, blade 27 cm, hilt 9.5 cm 
Ukiran Nunggak Semi Yogya
Mendak Iron similar to the Tombak Metuk
Warangka Sandang Walikat
Dapur Jalak
Prabot square pesi, gandik, deep pejetan,
 wideng, 2 long sogokan

Keris Buda are considered as the earliest type of Keris. 

Their shape derives from early offering daggers 
(see more on the keris History page). 

The Keris Buda characteristics are:

    - a straight, thick, short and wide blade, 

with a brownish/yellowish color
    - a square shape pesi
    - a metuk (iron ring) bounded to the pesi 

 Earlier Keris Buda did not have pamor, 
this one was probably made after the 14th century.

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