Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Bethok Buddha Keris Budaya Nusantara

Thailand, Filipina, Kamboja, dan Brunei Darussalam. Jadi, boleh dikatakan budaya keris dapat dijumpai di semua daerah bekas wilayah kekuasan dan wilayah yang dipengaruhi Kerajaan Majapahit. Itulah sebabnya beberapa ahli budaya menyebutkan, keris adalah budaya Nusantara.

Keris tertua dibuat di Pulau Jawa, diduga sekitar abad ke-6 atau ke-7. Di kalangan penggemarnya, keris buatan masa itu disebut keris Buda. Sesuai dengan kedudukannya sebagai sebuah karya awal sebuah budaya, bentuknya masih sederhana. Tetapi bahan besinya menurut ukuran zamannya, tergolong pilihan, dan cara pembuatannya diperkirakan tidak jauh berbeda dengan cara pembuatan keris yang kita kenal sekarang. Keris Buda hampir tidak berpamor. Seandainya ada pamor pada bilah keris itu, maka pamor itu selalu tergolong pamor tiban, yaitu pamor yang bentuk gambarannya tidak direncanakan oleh Sang Empu.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

keragaman budaya di Nusantara

Terkait dengan keragaman budaya di Nusantara, setiap etnik niscaya punya tradisi dan pemahaman nilai yang berbeda

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Pure Mangkunegaran Batik

the beauty of Mangkunegaran batik designs reflects a mature work of art through the organization of fillings, isen, the placement of ornaments constructing designs, and a more feminine and harmonious presentation. Mangkunegaran batik is made by Surakartan batik entrepreneurs who generally also make batik cloth for the Kasunanan.

Mangkunegaran batik design styles are like those of Surakarta, but have a yellowish - brown soga color. Moreover, Mangkunegaran batik has been taken a step ahead of Kasunanan batik in the creation of designs.

Not just a weapon, a dagger is also a spiritual

 Keris is considered as a sign of the journey of a civilization, and a culture within a nation in a very long period of time. Even the thousands of years. Keris is also often associated as symbols, ranging authority symbol, a symbol of wisdom, until the symbol of life. Not only that, a multifunctional keris is apparently in antiquity as well positioned as penglaris, and a symbol of greatness. Look at the picture of the kings of Java, and Java heroes, who always carry a keris.


Keris has indeed experienced a shift function. No longer a weapon, a dagger is now a high-value goods and deserve to be collected. Even some people who love and pursue the sciences and the history of the keris.

Keris BUDA East Java


 overall 39 cm, blade 27 cm, hilt 9.5 cm 
Ukiran Nunggak Semi Yogya
Mendak Iron similar to the Tombak Metuk
Warangka Sandang Walikat
Dapur Jalak
Prabot square pesi, gandik, deep pejetan,
 wideng, 2 long sogokan

Keris Buda are considered as the earliest type of Keris. 

Their shape derives from early offering daggers 
(see more on the keris History page). 

The Keris Buda characteristics are:

    - a straight, thick, short and wide blade, 

with a brownish/yellowish color
    - a square shape pesi
    - a metuk (iron ring) bounded to the pesi 

 Earlier Keris Buda did not have pamor, 
this one was probably made after the 14th century.